Inspiring music starts playing. | An exterior shot of a home on a bush land property surrounded by gum trees. The camera tracks towards the house along a dirt driveway through bush land and trees. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking, We are in Gatton.. | Mother sitting at table starts speaking to interviewer just off camera, Lower third graphic appears “DONNA” “SKY MUSTER TM EARLY ADOPTER”. |
Inspiring music playing and mother voice speaking about living 100 kilometers out of Brisbane and not qualifying for ADSL. | An exterior drone shot flies above the home over bush land and trees towards blue sky. |
Inspiring music playing and mother voice speaking about going with satellite… | Mother sitting down talking to interviewer. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about before they had Skymesh. | An exterior drone shot of the home is focusing on the roof and specifically the satellite dish. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about before they had Skymesh the internet was unusable. | A 20 year old male gamer sitting down looking off camera towards interviewer, Lower third graphic appears “JOSEPH” “20 YEARS OLD – GAMER”, he smiles at end of his sentence. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about going into town… | 20 year old male gamer is sitting down at computer desk looking at computer. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about using internet in town… | Close up shot of young man’s hand clicking on a computer mouse. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about using internet at local library… | An over the shoulder shot of the 20 year old male gamer sitting using the computer and looking at the screen. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about the Sky Muster service… | Mother sitting at table speaking to interviewer just off camera. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about the kids needing to access data all the time.. | Panning shot of 15 year old female student sitting on couch with using a laptop. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about the kids doing research online.. | Close up shot of text books and camera pans to laptop. |
Inspiring music playing and 15 year old female student voice speaking about without Skymesh. | 15 year old female student sitting down speaking to interviewer just off camera, Lower third graphic appears “AMY” “15 YEARS OLD – STUDENT”. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about Sky Muster service can keep up with what we need. | shot of mother sitting on couch with parrot on shoulder and using a hand held device. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about the kids can log in to their school accounts.. | Mother sitting at table speaking to interviewer just off camera. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about using it for .. | 20 year old male gamer sitting down looking off camera towards interviewer. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about large downloads | Close up shot of computer screen displaying text of network usage stats, store, library community, games downloaded and auto downloads. |
Inspiring music playing and 15 year old female student voice speaking about talking with friends.. | Panning shot of 15 year old female student sitting on couch using laptop. |
Inspiring music playing and 15 year old female student voice speaking researching for assignments. | Close up of laptop screen with student’s assignment. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about the Sky Muster service.. | An exterior drone shot of the home is focusing on the roof and specifically the satellite dish. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about when we ring them up.. | an interior shot of a Sky Mesh call centre. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about they are keen and willing to answer all our questions.. | an interior shot of a Sky Mesh call centre male operator from over the shoulder looking at his headset and computer screen, whilst he is talking. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about they never have any problems.. | close up shot of Sky Mesh call centre male operator typing on keyboard, smiling. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about solving our issues.. | Mid shot Sky Mesh call centre operator face smiling. |
Inspiring music playing and a 20 year old male gamer’s voice speaking about Skymesh. | 20 year old male gamer sitting down looking off camera towards interviewer talking. |
Inspiring music playing and mother’s voice speaking about if we didn’t have SkyMuster .. | Mother is smiling sitting at table speaking to interviewer just off camera. |
Inspiring music fades out and mother’s voice speaking about it would be impossible. | An exterior drone shot of the home zooming out from the roof and satellite dish. |
electronic sound effect. | The Skymesh Logo, tag line – Connecting Regional Australia and website – appear on screen. |