How to reconfigure your Wifi Router from PPPoE to IPoE (DHCP)
Some of our existing Fixed Wireless customers are required to reconfigure their WiFi routers to IPoE. In order to do this, follow the required steps below.
1: Log in to your router’s setup page. Most of the time this is either: or prompted to log in, the default username and password should be admin.
You can also find the username and password written either on your router or in the documentation provided with your router.
2: You’ll need to configure your router for DHCP for all Skymesh services. This can be
found under your router settings.
Your router should have an internet connection options page. This page should have an option for the internet connection type DHCP (IPoE).
3: Once you have selected DHCP (IPoE) and saved/applied it, you’ll need to turn your router off and back on again.
4: Make sure you check your router is plugged into the correct UNI-D port on your nbn® NTD. If you received an email from us, it will be specified there.
You should be online after you have completed these steps. In the unlikely event that you are unable to reconnect, please call us on 1300 759 637.